In this course, you will learn:
Module 1: Creating & Casting the Vision
In this module we will do some excavation, evaluation and establishing by getting extremely clear on your Mindset, Vision and Pathway moving forward. Together, we will create your productivity language, vision, and story. This is where we lay the foundation.
Module 2: Staying Committed
In this module we will craft a productive system that helps you stay committed to your vision. With clarity and precision, you will produce evidence and results on a daily basis!
Module 3: Developing A Winning Strategy
In this module we will create your Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic & Timely (SMART) strategy for getting your goals accomplished.
Module 4: Navigating the Vicissitudes of Life
In this module we will discuss how to navigate life’s challenges and daily stresses. There are many ebbs and flows to success and life, the key is to understand how and when to manage them.
Module 5: Developing A Culture of Accountability
In this module we will discuss the importance of creating a culture of accountability. Establish the heart and mindset of a finisher. Identify your team and what your circle of influence looks like.
Module 6: Take Action & Execute
In this module we will develop the habits of action and execution which causes you to “DO THE WORK” and make adjustments along the way.